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It is important on this day to take time out and bring to light the things that one is thankful for. Or so they say. Usually on Thanksgiving, I just like to hang my head in shame while saying sorry to all of the Native Americans out there who got treated like they were Seahawks at a Super Bowl and got the shaft, big time. So without further ado, these are the things that I am thankful for...
Paul Allen: Not only does he own the Seahawks but he loves Jimi Hendrix. Sounds like a great guy to me. Seriously, he saved our team and now he's provided world class facilities, a beautiful state of the art stadium that we can proudly call home, excellent front office and coaching staffs, and the best part... he lets the football people make football decisions. We love you Paul! Thanks!
Doug Baldwin: I am thankful that you broke 2 of your teeth for this football team. If I were out there, I would've done the same. You embody what it means to be a "gamer" and not the Call of Duty kind. Keep working hard and it'll pay off.
Alan Branch: I am thankful for the fact that you do such a thankless job. Your name gets mentioned every once in a while but no where near the amount that Mebane and some of the other cats do. If you were a Stealer, we'd have to listen endlessly about how you "play the game the right way." Your demeanor is soooo "lunch pail" and I respect you for that.
Brandon Browner: Words can not describe what you mean to me. They will never do you justice. So I'll just stop. Thanks for never giving up and always chasing guys down from behind and would-be touchdowns, amongst other things.
Red Bryant: Thank you for being the definition of a leader and for never giving up when things looked bleak for your career way back when. You're like a giant, angry teddy bear and we love you for that. Also, thanks for high-stepping into the endzone last season in Chicago. Loved it.
James Carpenter: Thanks for looking like a rock monster and somehow being on the field this season. I honestly thought I wasn't going to see you for a while. Glad you made it back and look forward to the future.
Kam Chancellor: Thanks for being ONE OF THE HARDEST HITTING SAFETIES IN THE LEAGUE!! All I want for Christmas is for you to make Vernon Davis have to eat his food through a straw for a few weeks afterwards. Simple request.
Chris Clemons: Thanks for not taking plays off after your big payday. Not that I ever thought you would, but, you know. It kinda happens a lot these days. Also, thanks for the big hit on Sanchez with me in attendance. It was a thing of beauty.
Braylon Edwards: Thank you for that wonderful touchdown catch against the Patriots. I'm hoping we'll get to see more of that later this season.
Heath Farwell: You wanna talk about thankless? If you look it up in the dictionary you'll see a picture of Heath. The Heath Bar as I affectionately call him is severely underrated in the grand scheme of things. Thank you for being you, Heath.
Matt Flynn: Thanks for not standing out in the preseason. If you had, we might not have gotten a glimpse of the future. No, but seriously, here's to hoping you find a starting spot somewhere in the near future. Once we find a comparable, cheaper alternative for a backup of course.
Breno Giacomini: Thanks for giving me that one moment a game (sometimes more!) where I get to say "What the hell Breno?!" or "F'N Giacomini, again?!" Your name alone makes you a legend. Your ruthless style of play makes you one of my favorites.
Clint Gresham: I never notice you. My heart thanks you for that.
Winston Guy: Mitt Rooney? Seriously guy? It's all good. Hope your suspension stems from you wanting to beat out Jeron for his job next season. Thanks for the comic relief.
Steven Hauschka: Are you Polish? My Polish buddy always says that you're not. I need to know. I think you are. Thanks for not being Josh Brown.
Leroy Hill: Thanks for defying all logic and every analyst by still being on the team in 2012. You still hit like a freight train and you're one of the Seahawks I'd hate to run into in an alley.
Jaye Howard: Thanks for finally getting into a game this season. May there be many, many more to come.
Bruce Irvin: I'd like to personally thank your mother for naming you Bruce. It makes for a cool thing to yell at a game. Also, thanks for stickin' it to Mel Kiper and co. I am forever indebted to you.
Lemuel Jeanpierre: Thanks for having an amazing name, for allowing me to potentially sound sophisticated while watching the Seahawks at the same time, and for being rock solid whenever your number gets called.
Jeron Johnson: I wish you were a Vandal instead, but I still like you. You have a certain "Je ne sais Babs" air to your play. Thanks for always being around the ball.
Rishaw Johnson: I always think of Rickshaw when I hear your name. You're a big dude. Thanks for not committing accidental homicide on the field, yet.
Jason Jones: If you were a comic book character you'd be called "Metronome Jones." You allow the defense to truly execute exactly what it wants. Please stay healthy. Thanks for picking Seattle.
Jermaine Kearse: I appreciate your sense of humor after that dropped pass against Minnesota. Thanks for the laugh.
Jeremy Lane: We here (me) at Seafense are big fans of Jeremy Lane, as you can tell. Nobody seems to want to share their intimate Seahawks moments (I blame it on the Seattle Freeze) but some day I'm sure they will. Thanks for having a name that plays off of "trip down memory lane" so well. Oh, and I'm expecting you'll make a fine nickel or dime corner for us someday.
Marshawn Lynch: You had me at "what it do?" One of my favorite players of all-time. Thanks for being exactly what the Doc ordered after years of yearning for a smash mouth running back. No offense to SA37, but after years of watching Shaun, Marshawn is a refreshing change of pace. I'll never forget where I was for your earth shattering run against the Saints (Carlow East!)
Chris Maragos: Are you Greek? My Greek friend wants to know. Sounds like it. Very well then, thanks for being a demon on special teams and throwing your body around like you want to destroy it. Good times.
Charly Martin: Thanks for collapsing your lung for the good of the team. Bevell really hung you out to dry on that one. Here's hoping you start making some plays like you did in the preseason.
Byron Maxwell: See Chris Maragos, minus the part about being Greek.
Anthony McCoy: Your block in the preseason against Denver was amazing! Thanks for that one. Otherwise, I hate that you have the dreaded "p" word... potential. I'll now give you an insane amount of time to cash in on it before giving up on you completely as a player.
Clinton McDonald: I love that you remind me of Chartric Darby. I wonder what Chartric Darby is doing now? Thanks for guiding my mind down that path, Clint.
Paul McQuistan: Thanks for whatever that is you do with your hair. You not only accept the hair situation, but you embrace it. Seriously though, thanks for playing anywhere needed, at any time. Chris Gray 2.0 and that's a damn good thing.
Brandon Mebane: Me! Bane! Thanks for rewarding my unwavering confidence in you with a mammoth start to the season. I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work, stud. Pro Bowl? I'm also thankful for the fact that there's a dude at Carlow East who wears your jersey. That's awesome.
Zach Miller: You are the consummate professional. If Kellen Winslow were you, he would've bitched and moaned his way out of town, but you haven't. You've just soldiered up (see what I did there?) and kept on truckin'. I appreciate that and want to thank you for being an excellent 6th Lineman. I get the feeling that sooner or later you're going to break out.
John Moffitt: You seem like the funniest guy on the Seahawks. I like funny. I heard a rumor that your uncle has been to Carlow East and told you about it and that you want to go there one day. That's awesome. Thanks for making it easy to root for you on Sunday's.
Evan Moore: Thanks for not being Kellen Winslow.
Mike Morgan: You flashed some skills in the preseason but you looked like a turkey against the Vikings in relief of K.J. It's okay though, everyone gets their shot at redemption, and you made the most of yours. Thanks for the great play on 4th and 1 against the Jets. Greene never stood a chance.
Ben Obomanu: A loyal servant to the Seattle Seahawks. Thanks for always being classy, Ben. I never thought that you'd last this long when the team drafted you under the Holmgren regime but alas, you've made it. Here's to a quick recovery and a valiant return next season.
Russell Okung: I won't jinx you and say anything about your health. What I will say is that, penalties aside, you've been nothing short of amazing this season. Thanks for putting in the hard work necessary to being on top of your game.
Frank Omiyale: I'll be honest Frank, I thought you were a poor signing and an even poorer selection for the 53 Man Roster. Funny thing though, I love crow! You've been solid as hell whenever needed and that deserves a heaping plate of gratitude.
Mike Person: Thank you for being a real Person. You also graduated from Montana State. There's a guy who comes to my bar who graduated from there. He's cool, so you must be cool too.
Josh Portis: I honestly thought you had a shot at being the Quarterback of the Future. I don't know if that says more about you or me, but whatever. Thanks for giving me that hope with your quarter of inspirational football in a preseason game in San Diego two seasons ago. You looked like Randall Cunnigham.
Steve Raible: Before I was old enough to drink and watch games at bars and before I could watch them at home, I listened to games on the radio while following NFL GameCenter simultaneously. There goes that word again. Steve Raible taught me how to love the Seahawks. His passion for the team and the game is contagious and I love it when he loses his shit. Thanks for the memories, Steve!
Sidney Rice: See part about health with Russell Okung. You've stepped up your game this season and good for you. You deserve it. You've been through a lot and the time in the weight room is paying off. Keep it up Sid. Thanks. You are also remarkable at spinning a football.
Michael Robinson: The Real Rob Report helped get me through the off-season. I don't know if I could have done it without you. Wanna talk about thankless job? How about using your body as a battering ram on every single offensive play. Often times taking on the biggest, fastest, or hardest hitting player on the opposing team head on. I'm sure Marshawn and Russell Wilson would say thanks a lot, big fella.
Jon Ryan: What can I say about Jon that hasn't been said before? The Ginger Bomber holds a special place in my heart right alongside the likes of Jeff Feagles and Isaiah Kacyvenski. For some reason, I'm just drawn to the dude. Could be the ginger locks or it could be the monster leg. Or it could be the fact that he's Canadian or the fact that he dove into the pile trying to recover a fumble during the preseason. Whatever it is, thanks Jon.
Greg Scruggs: Coolest athlete ever? Potentially. You asked 12's around the great State of Washington to hang out with you and show you around the city. If that's not cool, then I honestly don't know what is. Thanks for breaking down the 4th wall and being a real person. And for the awesome sack dance.
Richard "Ringworm" Sherman: Ohhhh Sherman, Sherman, Sherman! What a beast! The only thing more impressive than your meteoric rise to the top of the NFL is your legendary smack talk. You back it up every week, which is no small task. Thanks for reminding me of Muhammed Ali whenever I see you talkin smack out there. It's supposed to be a fun game and you keep it that way, while also layin' the smackdown.
Malcolm Smith: Your tireless work ethic is appreciated around these parts. You've endured a lot to even be in this position. Hopefully you're ready to seize the day when you get a chance to start on this team.
J.R. Sweezy: It ain't easy bein Sweezy! Thanks for punching an elderly man in the face and thanks for turning Tom Cable into a God! The sky's the limit!
Tanzania: Need I say more? I'm thankful for Mount Kilimanjaro and the inspiration it provides our players and fans. I'm thankful for Paul Allen giving a fudge about Tanzania. I'm thankful that the team is undefeated with the Tanzania banner up and especially thankful for the fact that whenever it makes an appearance on screen, something good for the Hawks usually follows. Tanzania All We Got, Tanzania All We Need!
Golden Tate: It's been a rollercoaster ride cheering for you. I loved you at first, then I hated you, then I loved you again, had hope, hated you... good work so far this season. Don't let it get to your head though. There's a ton of the dreaded P word in you, let's tap into all of it! Thanks for hurdling Kyle Wilson on the Jets so that I got to laugh at my friends.
Earl Thomas: You have the speed of a Jedi. You make the insane look routine. Watching you close down on an airborne pass is poetry in motion. A marvel to behold. I'll never get tired of watching you play, Earl. Despite your penchant for dropped interceptions, you are one of the most exciting players on the team. Thanks.
Walter Thurmond III: Thanks for having the balls to rock a high top fade. Seriously, respect. May your return be filled with pass deflections and interceptions.
Marcus Trufant: TRUUUU!!! I should, can, and will write more about you at length at some point because you deserve it. No joking around here, Tru deserves a giant thank you from everybody for all the work he's done with the Seahawks and the State of Washington. If he were a New York Yankee people would be lauding the fact that he's played in his hometown state for his ENTIRE LIFE. Think about that. That's unheard of in this day and age in sports. That's why I was so nervous when he was being courted by the Broncos to play safety. Please, never leave us Tru. Having a solid season as well, really great to see when many thought he was done.
Robert Turbin: I can't wait to watch you fully take off, Turbo. I love everything I've seen so far. I'm hoping that we'll get to see more of you as the season continues, since you'll be relatively fresh in comparison to the defenders that will be trying to stop you. Your arms are the size of my head and probably bigger actually. Thanks for being a freak of nature, Hulk.
Max Unger: There's something comforting in the fact that your center sounds like a robot. You are the anti-Tobeck, good sir, and I mean that in the most loving way possible. Thanks for taking your game to the next level and for persevering through the injuries that held you back early on in your career. This team wouldn't be the same without you.
Bobby Wagner: HOLY SHIT! I mean, I thought you'd be okay and everything but HOLY SHIT! I won't lie, I was disappointed when the Eagles swooped in and selected Mychal Kendricks with the pick before us. Can I take that back? I WAS WRONG. Wags is the real deal and will only continue to progress, in my opinion. Thanks for making me look like an ass clown, Bobby.
Leon Washington: You took the time to give me a shoutout on Twitter. That's pretty genuine and I'm extremely thankful for that. Plus, you've always been one of my favorite players, dating back to your time at Florida State. I always knew you'd have a better career than Reggie Bush. Can't wait for you to take one to the house! It's comin!
Russell Wilson: I could go on and on about #3 but I'll try and keep it as brief as possible. Everything I ever wanted in a quarterback. A leader, calm and collected, severely undersized, big arm, mobile, and you wear Levi's. That makes you a hero in my book sir. Now go out there and hoist some Lombardi's! Thanks in advance, sincerely the 12th Man.
K.J. Wright: What a steal you turned out to be. I'm all about overgrown linebackers, so when I saw that the Seahawks drafted you I had hope that you'd stick to the 53 Man Roster. You did that and much much more. Amazing potential. Thanks for making me forget about the existence of He Who Shall Not Be Named, Caaron Aurry.
Shoutout to all the guys on the Practice Squad as well. You deserve more ink but that will come in time. Keep workin' hard and the 12th Man appreciates the dedication and hard work. As for the 12th Man, I'm especially proud and thankful to be a part of you. What an amazing group of fans made up by an amazing group of people. It's going to feel so good when we finally win the big one, and I think it's going to happen sooner rather than later. There's just too much positive energy emanating from within for it not to. Most of all though, I'd like to thank Pete Carroll and John Schneider. We are so lucky and spoiled to have these two guys in Seattle. Without them and the rest of their amazing staff, NONE of this would be possible. We're 6-4 and competitive in every game, a far cry from years prior. You could even assess that we're hitting our stride at just the right time in the season. This team was built tough, fast, and physical and was built to withstand the marathon of an NFL season. The sky really is the limit with this team. Now enjoy your Thanksgiving and the time with your loved ones (or hated ones if you're with the in-laws, suck it up!) , eat a ton of turkey, and get ready to cheer your balls (or lady parts) off on Sunday! Oh, and I hope you leave some room for the Dolphin that will be served!
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