Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Preseason doesn't count, but it does matter

That play was a microcosm of the Seattle Seahawks.  An overlooked and discarded player on a team full of them, making a play from inside of his own endzone and taking it the other way, in a preseason game.  Sure, the rest of the country will be quick to dismiss the Seahawks dominance so far throughout this preseason.  After all, the games don't actually count and the staggering point differential they've accumulated so far will all be reset to zero.  However, while it does not count, it certainly does matter and what's important is that the Seahawks are playing intense, competitive football for ALL 60 minutes.  Literally down to the last snap.  The way football was meant to be played, after all.

Gotta love the shaky, grainy "bigfoot" footage.  That's another perfect example of Seattle Seahawks football though.  The play, not the grainy footage.  The Seahawks D gets thoroughly dissected by Peyton Manning and company, and literally the very next play Jermaine Kearse takes it to the house.  You want to talk about dealing with adversity?  Being able to take a punch?  Well, that right there is eating the right cross and immediately delivering a Haymaker for the TKO and the win.  This rapid turnaround helped seal the win (not that the result matters, but the actual level of play itself does) and helped give the Seahawks the confidence to play the rest of the game out with literally nothing to lose.

What's obvious is that the Seahawks are willing to outwork their competition.  Whether you've been to Training Camp to see the unreal tempo they practice with, the relentless energy spent by EVERYONE at the complex in order to be the best they possibly can be, or whether you've just tuned in for the preseason, it's obvious to everyone that this team is special.  Most Seahawks teams in the past would already have us shaking our heads, as the laundry list of injured players throughout Camp has been eye-opening.  Throughout however, Pete Carroll has remained confident that most of the guys will be ready to go come September 8th.  I believe him, and I believe the Hawks have been doing the right thing in allowing the injured guys some time to get healthy, while also getting an opportunity to look at the quality of depth they have.  

And my lord is the depth top quality or what?  Guys are making a name for themselves left and right, taking advantage of opportunities, improving, and playing well beyond their years and reputations.  As a Seahawks fan, you've just gotta love that and you've got to love how the team is shaping up this season.  The foundation for an outstanding 2013 season was laid the day the Seahawks left the field at the Georgia Dome and Russell Wilson proclaimed that the future is amazingly bright.  They haven't stopped working to demand and attain greatness ever since.

John Moffitt Traded to Cleveland, errr, Denver
What a crazy 24 hours for our boy, John Moffitt.  I'm sad to see him go, as he was a solid player for the Hawks and his uncle is a great guy as well, who I had the pleasure of getting to know.  The Seahawks must have loved their younger options in Rishaw Johnson, Alvin Bailey, and Michael Bowie, as well as being thoroughly convinced that JR Sweezy will take the RG job and run with it.  It's no secret that Sweezy was the chosen one, his athleticism and nasty streak are through the roof so it's easy to understand why.  Still, Moffitt was a refreshing change of pace from what most pro athletes have become, and you've always got to love a dude with the humility and self-deprecating humor of a John Moffitt.  We (uhh, just me then I guess) here at Seafense wish you the best John...  unless of course the Seahawks and Broncos meet again in the Super Bowl!

Revenge in Lambeau
Allow me to flip the script a little bit.  I'll be watching this Friday with every hope in the world that the Seahawks absolutely destroy and humiliate the Green Bay Packers.  I used to respect the Packers but after the whining and complaining they and their fans did (and the league as their mouthpiece did) after not getting their way in a close call was absolutely disrespectful to the game of football and to any shred of integrity.  Not shaking hands and just walking to the locker room?  Seriously?  What are you guys, 10 year olds?  Although it does make sense.  Much in the way that the Seahawks follow the lead of their hard working, never complaining franchise quarterback Russell Wilson, the Green Bay Packers follow the lead of their pouting, hormonal Aaron Rodgers.  Who handles adversity about as well as Garo Yepremian did in Super Bowl VII in 1973.  His 0-18 record when trailing teams with a 500% winning percentage or better when heading into the fourth quarter would probably agree.

So while everyone is talking about the Packers getting revenge (hey wait, I thought preseason didn't matter?!  Isn't that what everyone else has been telling Seahawks fans?), it should be the Hawks who want revenge for being vilified by the nation, Packers, and NFL in the days, weeks, and months after the Golden Tate Hail Mary TD.  Go in there, into Lambeau, and get the job done boys!

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